Record Breaking Enrollment

Orientation began with a welcome to 46 new seminarians, the largest incoming class in 20 years. The enrollment of 144 men represents the commitment of bishops and vocation directors to provide seminarians a quality formation experience. The scandals seen this past year require an honest assessment of how seminarians are screened and accepted, how bishops exercise their ministry of accountability, and how priestly ministry is always at the service of God’s People. Orientation week provided the seminarians a time for spiritual and fraternal reflection as they begin their time at NDS. The sense of “apostolic community” that Saint John Paul II challenged all seminaries to be is the model that NDS has used to create and sustain a healthy community of men who are discerning God’s Will. Orientation week included the daily start of the day with adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, Holy Mass, the Divine Office, and intense social, fraternal engagement in which these disciples of Jesus shared their faith experience with one another. Notre Dame Seminary is profoundly grateful for these men who love the Church with an unwavering commitment as well as to all those who continue to see the Church ministry of priestly formation as a pastoral priority in the life of the Church. Deus Providebit!