T4 Farewell Vespers and Banquet

On the evening of Sunday, April 28, the seminary community bid farewell to the Fourth Year men at the annual Closing Banquet. Having been to three of these in my time at Notre Dame, it was bittersweet to finally attend one where I was the one leaving. While there is certainly an excitement about the priestly life and ministry that we have been preparing for six or more years, there’s a sadness in leaving a place that has been so impactful during our years of priestly formation. It was a great experience of community and fraternity, and it served as a reminder of how important these values are in both seminarian and priestly life. Fr. Wehner addressed the community at Solemn Vespers about the many signs the Lord has worked in all of our lives that remind us of his faithfulness to us, and the community offered light-hearted roasts and comments to close out the dinner.

— Dc. Patrick Riviere (4th Theology, Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux)