Click the blue button below to make a gift to the Chapel Renovation & Beautification Project at Notre Dame Seminary!
Greetings and best wishes to you from Notre Dame Seminary. This summer, we will complete restoration and beautification of the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception at Notre Dame Seminary. We had the confidence to begin this project with a lead gift and generous donation from Mrs. Gayle Benson.
The Chapel of the Immaculate Conception holds a special place in the hearts of those in our seminary community. It is not only a place of worship but also a sanctuary where seminarians find solace, guidance, and strength as they prepare for their sacred calling. The chapel’s beauty, tranquility, and spiritual significance are integral to the formation of our future priests. Our seminarians gather daily as a community to celebrate the Eucharist and offer morning and evening prayers on behalf of the people of God as well as take individual time in prayer in this chapel.
While beautiful as it currently is, we have a vision to enhance the beauty of the chapel, creating a space that truly reflects the reverence and devotion of our seminarians and the community. The beautification of the chapel includes ceiling murals, window medallions, statues of the St. Paul and the apostles, and apse and nave symbols.
I ask you to prayerfully consider financially supporting our chapel renovation project so that the great beauty of the renovated chapel will draw seminarians, deacon candidates, lay students, faculty, staff, and visitors to an intimate encounter with the Lord, drawing to Himself the minds and hearts of all. Your gift would not only support the physical transformation of the chapel but also contribute to the spiritual growth and formation of our future priests, who will carry the light of faith to communities around the world.
With every good wish, I am
Gratefully yours in Christ,
Very Rev. Joshua J. Rodrigue, S.T.L.
For more information or to make a gift, please contact Caroline Thriffiley, Director of Development, by phone at (504) 866-7426, ext. 375, or by email at
Click here to view all of the Chapel Artwork.
You can also download a donation form here. Checks should be made payable to Notre Dame Seminary and can be mailed to 2901 S Carrollton Ave, New Orleans, LA 70118.
Questions? Contact Caroline Thriffiley, Director of Development, by phone at (504) 866-7426, ext. 375, or by email at