Department Chair and Professor of Dogmatic and Historical Theology
Administration, Dogmatic Theology, Faculty, Historical Theology
Dr. David Liberto (Ph.D., Marquette University) has served as professor of Dogmatic and Historical Theology since 2001 and Director of the Master of Arts in Theological Studies since 2018. His professional interests include Trinitarian theology, the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas, Christology, and Patristics (especially with regard to the development of Trinitarian theology in the Patristic period). When asked what he enjoys about seminary education, he said: “Teaching theology at a major seminary allows me to teach very specific areas of theology in an appropriately challenging way to seminarians. I especially appreciate the gravity of what I am being called to do – to prepare future priests to be well-informed pastors who can communicate the theological Tradition of the Church in an authentic manner.” Dr. Liberto has published several scholarly articles including the following: “Ad Imaginem Dei. Asymptotic Assimilation in Thomas’s Understanding of Grace.” In Divine Transcendence and Immanence in the Work of Thomas Aquinas, (Leuven: Peeters Publishing, 2009); and “St. Thomas on the Supernatural: Christological, Eschatological, and Anthropological Insights from the Thomistic Corpus.” Josephinum Journal of Theology (Winter/Spring 2011). Dr. Liberto is currently working on a book-length treatment of the psychological analogy of the Trinity.