Christian Unity in the Midst of Political Division

By: Mark White

In this time of great division over the election in our country, I think the words of Scripture are so helpful! “Beloved never avenge yourselves…No ‘if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him drink..Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.’” What words of wisdom during this time of division, words that can so easily help us to align ourselves with the will and example of God. Think about it. Sometimes we tend to consider Our Lord’s death and resurrection from the wrong perspective.

It was the Lord’s great act of love in offering Himself on the Cross for our salvation that overcame the evil of our sin and all the effects of it in this world. Yes Jesus, in righteous indignation, did directly confront evil. But even more so He overcame it through the sweat aroma of sacrificial love, the sacrifice of His death and resurrection. A sacrifice that not only justly satisfied the consequences of our sin, but even more so overcame the displeasure of our sin in God’s eyes, through a far greater act of love; a sacrificial act of love so great, unfathomable, and mysterious, that it is simply hard to believe!

Think about it like this. What do we do so often when we sin? Well we choose even more significantly not to love. And this is why this is such an unloving world. Instead of responding to people we might disagree with or even dislike with a greater act of goodness or love, we instead usually respond in a combative manner by acts or words of vengeance.

After this divisive election, the news media, talk radio, and social media are simply awash in this argumentativeness, anger, and hatred. As Christians we must keep ourselves from marinating in this vindictive rage, and allowing ourselves to be overcome by evil. Instead we need to heed the invitation of Our Lord’s Cross. He invites us at His altar into His death and resurrection, this great sacrifice of love, which overcomes all the evil of this broken world.

Think about the power of Our Lord’s sacrifice! What is the worst way we could respond to God becoming a man to save us from our sins? By murdering Him! And yet this is exactly what we did! And yet through the cross Our God’s goodness and mercy is far greater than the greatest act of human evil ever! Wow God used this seemingly unimaginable act of evil, to show us the infinite grandness and power of His love and mercy. But what does this mean to us. Well Jesus invites us into this very sacrifice, through faith and the sacraments.

This great sacrifice of love! This is made present through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. By faith we can unite ourselves to this sacrifice! And then, as we read in Scripture, we are called to offer ourselves as a living sacrifice. A sacrifice of love and mercy directed to God, as we live our lives striving to love God and others for God’s sake, as Jesus first loved us. And when we love our enemies, this can by the power of Christ’s love, serve to overcome evil with good.

So I challenge you to turn off the TV. Turn off all the vindictive bickering and rage. Pray for your enemies and through acts of forgiving love, in Christ’s name, strive to overcome evil with good!” And when you are down and even angry by all the evil and division in this world, let the tree of life, the cross of Our Lord inspire you! There is no evil you cannot overcome, if you respond to it by and in His sacrificial love, grace, and mercy, with acts of love characterized by true and authentic goodness!

Try it and see what happens!”

About the Author: Mark White

Mark White is in Second Theology at Notre Dame Seminary. He is a seminarian from the Archdiocese of Atlanta.


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